OSHA Services



Industrial Hygiene
(Occupational Hygiene)

Industrial hygiene monitoring of employee exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals and physical agents is required under OSHA. OEHCS has a well-trained industrial hygiene staff that performs comprehensive industrial hygiene services in three phases.


During a Phase I assessment, a complete survey of the chemicals and physical agents involved in each operation is performed. Chemicals which may result in potential over exposure to employees are ranked with a proprietary Computerized Risk Analysis Program. This analysis classifies the chemical exposures into high, medium and low potential health risk categories and aids in prioritizing air monitoring activities. This ranking also helps to control costs by targeting the highest risk exposures first.


In Phase II evaluations, actual industrial hygiene sampling takes place. Using the proprietary Computerized Risk Analysis Program results, high and medium potential risk exposures are sampled first. This method helps to control costs and targets the procedures that have the highest potential for employee over exposure. In some situations, low potential risk exposures are also sampled. Industrial hygiene test results are analyzed and a comprehensive industrial hygiene report is generated. If necessary, recommendations on reducing employee exposure levels are made. Employee communication sessions can also be conducted to discuss test results, procedural changes and address any employee questions.


Phase III involves follow-up industrial hygiene testing based on the levels found in Phase II as compared to individual chemical exposure standards. This testing is necessary to document seasonal variations and prove statistical compliance (with a 95% confidence level) with recommended standards. This testing should be done on a annual or biannual basis, depending upon the employee exposure levels. This type of monitoring would also occur if a new exposure standard is enacted by OSHA.


  • Hearing Conservation Programs
  • Sick Building Syndrome Evaluations
  • Radiation Level Testing
  • Ventilation System Testing
  • Medical Monitoring Program Development
  • Occupational Illness Investigations
  • Microbial Testing - Air/Water/Surface
  • Safe Work Practices Evaluation
  • Bloodborne Pathogen/Infection Control Procedures
  • Heat Stress Evaluations
  • Noise Surveys
  • Asbestos Inspections and Management Plans
  • Lead Inspections and Risk Assessment
  • Smoke Odor Evaluation
  • Chemical Release Monitoring
  • Ergonomic Evaluations
  • Transient Odor Problems
  • Epidemiological Evaluations
  • Cancer Cluster Studies

For more information on our industrial hygiene services please contact Bob at 630-325-2083.