Hygiene Feud
This game contains numerous questions
based upon the OHSA chemical hygiene standard for laboratories.
It also allows you to add questions specific to your facility and
laboratory for training purposes.
This game works best by dividing
the training group into two teams and having them compete against
each other. The winning team gets recognition and some sort of prize.
Actual experience using this game has shown that it even gets the
PHDs involved, especially for those technical questions. The computer
program keeps score and even includes a "tacky buzzer"
sound for wrong answers. Show host instructions are included.
This training program can also be
used in conjunction with our basic laboratory safety which contains
dozens of jokes on laboratory safety manual.

Chemical Hygiene Feud
(Click for larger view)
Pathogens Feud
This game contains numerous questions
based upon the OHSA bloodborne pathogen standard. It also allows
you to add questions specific to your facility for training purposes.
According to OSHA first aid training
also requires bloodborne pathogen training. Why not make this training
fun, rather than sitting someone in front of a computer or just
showing them a video?
This game works best by dividing
the training group into two teams and having them compete against
each other. The winning team gets recognition and some sort of prize.
The computer program keeps score and even includes a "tacky
buzzer" sound for wrong answers. Show host instructions are
This training program can also be
used in conjunction with our bloodborne
pathogens written program

Bloodborne Pathogens Feud
(Click for larger view)
This game contains
a database of 50 questions that span the following topics:
- Forms &
uses of asbestos
- Health effects
- OSHA and
EPA Regulations
- Respiratory
- Work practices
- Building
- Air and
bulk monitoring
- Abbreviations
- Pot Luck
It also allows you to add topics
and questions specific to your training session. This game can be
used for groups up to 30. Play money and show host instructions
are included.
This training program can also be
used in conjunction with our Asbestos Operations
and Maintenance Program.
This game contains
a database of 50 questions that span the following topics:
- Medical monitoring
- OSHA regulations
- Maintenance and inspection
- Use and limitations
Play money and show host instructions
are included.
This training program can also be
used in conjunction with our Respiratory
Protection Program
Hygiene Jeopardy
This game contains
a database of 30 questions that cover basic chemical hazards in
the typical laboratory environment. Questions span the following
- Labeling
- New experiments
- Lab Hoods
- Personal protective equipment
Play money and show host instructions
are included.
This training program can also be
used in conjunction with our basic laboratory safety which contains
dozens of jokes on laboratory safety manual.

Chemical Hygiene Jeopardy
(Click for larger view)