EPA Services


Training Programs

OEHCS offers comprehensive and stimulating multi-media training programs for management and employees. They are presented by experienced and enthusiastic safety trainers. They have been presented to employees, management, industry groups, trade associations, insurance companies and at safety conferences nationwide.

Many programs are available in bilingual Spanish/English format.


Asbestos Awareness Initial Training
Asbestos Awareness Refresher
Asbestos Bulk Analysis Alternatives
Asbestos Contractor Supervisor Initial Training
Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Refresher
Asbestos Designed Person Initial Training
Asbestos Health Effects
Asbestos History and Uses
Asbestos Inspection - AHERA, NESHAP, OSHA and Environmental Audits
Asbestos Inspector Initial Training
Asbestos Inspector Refresher
Asbestos Intact Floor Tile Removal - Supervisor 4 hour Training
Asbestos Intact Floor Tile Removal - Worker 8 hour Training
Asbestos Management Planner Initial Training
Asbestos Management Planner Refresher
Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Training
Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Refresher
Asbestos Project Designer Refresher
Asbestos Regulations Overview
Asbestos Reinspections
Asbestos Worker Initial Training
Asbestos Worker Protection Rule Training
Asbestos Worker Refresher
Building Forensics

Compatible Chemical Storage
Community Right to Know / SARA Amendments
Department of Transportation Emergency Response Training

Emergency Evacuation Training
Emergency Preparedness
Environmental Assessment - How Clean is Clean?
Environmental Assessment - Sampling and Results Analysis
Environmental Geology
Ethylene Oxide (toxicology and engineering controls)

Indoor Air Quality
Intact Floor Tile Removal Training
Integrated Contingency Planning
Lead Building Inspector Training
Lead Risk Assessor Training
Microbial Sampling
Moisture Control in Buildings
Mold Awareness Training
Mold Guidelines and Standards
Mold Health Effects
Mold Inspection, Testing and Data Interpretation
Mold Remediation Guidelines - Overview
Overview of EPA Regulations
Radon In Home and the Environment - Overview
Sick Building Syndrome
Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Regulations

Spill Cleanup Training
State of Illinois Air Permits
Tornado Prepardness Training

OEHCS permits videotaping of our training programs for a client's internal use. We can also arrange for videotaping services.

Videotapes are particularly useful for training employees unable to attend scheduled sessions or for training new employees. Videotapes also provide excellent documentation of training program content.

Programs can also be customized to the specific needs of the client to maximize effectiveness and employee acceptance.

For more information on our training programs talk to Gail on our staff @ 630-325-2083.